Shyness doesn't have to stop you
...from doing all the things in life you'd like to
(Thank you Morrissey & The Smiths for this - paraphrased - line :))
There is a definite distinction between Introversion and Shyness and in my experience not all introverts are shy, but most shy people are introverts...
Shyness can be quite mild or it can be an excruciating, painful and debilitating form of social anxiety which really can stop you from expressing even the tiniest part of who you are. It can stop you from socialising, meeting new friends and old, or even leaving your room. Sharing thoughts, ideas or opinions can be completely out of the question. Hearing your own voice, speaking at all, can be shocking and nerve-wracking to those who feel extremely shy.
This is all wrapped up in hot blushes and feelings of shame and guilt at even taking up the space you're standing in. This sounds extreme but it's true. I remember feeling so embarrassed at even being physically visible that I wanted to be swept under the table by a giant broom, and to dissolve away. Ahh I hug and feel so much love for my younger self now x
And there will be such richness, depth and creativity within, longing to be expressed, but fears can become compounded over the years and it can be upsetting and difficult when you're older and want to venture out beyond these old patterns and fears.
Introversion is, to me, more of an innate way of being, our character, our temperament - it's not something that's learned or in respnse to our environment, more it's how we move through and live in the world. Introverts might feel at ease around others and be sociable and friendly, without anxiety, especially as they begin to get to know their boundaries and limits. They need a lot of space and time alone and with this they feel more energised and more alive to, and at home with, who they truly are.
I can relate to both because I am both.
From being painfully shy when younger, I hardly spoke at all, beyond my very small friendship group and found it very hard and pretty lonely too. I also recognised later that I'm a huge introvert and need great amounts of time by myself.
I love being alone, but now, with understanding my shyness and evolving through it, I also enjoy socialising (within limits :)) as a true, happy introvert - without the social anxiety!
...& importantly, I can now show up creatively, share my artwork publicly, create and host regular wellbeing workshops (local and international), show up in videos, talk naturally in my podcast episodes, devise new Meetup groups... meet new people all the time and feel at ease!
Oh my gosh - I never thought this would ever be possible for me, even just a few years ago!
Shyness can be quite mild or it can be an excruciating, painful and debilitating form of social anxiety which really can stop you from expressing even the tiniest part of who you are. It can stop you from socialising, meeting new friends and old, or even leaving your room. Sharing thoughts, ideas or opinions can be completely out of the question. Hearing your own voice, speaking at all, can be shocking and nerve-wracking to those who feel extremely shy.
This is all wrapped up in hot blushes and feelings of shame and guilt at even taking up the space you're standing in. This sounds extreme but it's true. I remember feeling so embarrassed at even being physically visible that I wanted to be swept under the table by a giant broom, and to dissolve away. Ahh I hug and feel so much love for my younger self now x
And there will be such richness, depth and creativity within, longing to be expressed, but fears can become compounded over the years and it can be upsetting and difficult when you're older and want to venture out beyond these old patterns and fears.
Introversion is, to me, more of an innate way of being, our character, our temperament - it's not something that's learned or in respnse to our environment, more it's how we move through and live in the world. Introverts might feel at ease around others and be sociable and friendly, without anxiety, especially as they begin to get to know their boundaries and limits. They need a lot of space and time alone and with this they feel more energised and more alive to, and at home with, who they truly are.
I can relate to both because I am both.
From being painfully shy when younger, I hardly spoke at all, beyond my very small friendship group and found it very hard and pretty lonely too. I also recognised later that I'm a huge introvert and need great amounts of time by myself.
I love being alone, but now, with understanding my shyness and evolving through it, I also enjoy socialising (within limits :)) as a true, happy introvert - without the social anxiety!
...& importantly, I can now show up creatively, share my artwork publicly, create and host regular wellbeing workshops (local and international), show up in videos, talk naturally in my podcast episodes, devise new Meetup groups... meet new people all the time and feel at ease!
Oh my gosh - I never thought this would ever be possible for me, even just a few years ago!
I mention all of this as it might resonate with you?
And I would absolutely love the same for you.
I really do know how it feels.
So this Zoom and email package is to help you, gently yet firmly, and with encouragement and support along the way,
to get started on or continue with a creative project
that you've wanted to do for a long time.
This is a theme that arises regularly in my workshops
& it would be great to work with you one on one.
And I would absolutely love the same for you.
I really do know how it feels.
So this Zoom and email package is to help you, gently yet firmly, and with encouragement and support along the way,
to get started on or continue with a creative project
that you've wanted to do for a long time.
This is a theme that arises regularly in my workshops
& it would be great to work with you one on one.
In all of my professional teaching and facilitating experience I love so much and best of all to see ideas unfold and flourish!
Watching your confidence increase and seeing results, step by step, is a beautiful thing.
And it builds joyous momentum and experience that you will not forget - it will continue to evolve and grow into your future projects!
Watching your confidence increase and seeing results, step by step, is a beautiful thing.
And it builds joyous momentum and experience that you will not forget - it will continue to evolve and grow into your future projects!
To purchase this package at the introductory offer of £90 - until June 2024 (1:1 single sessions are £40 per hour)
3 one hour zoom sessions
email support between sessions
please click the secure PayPal link below:
After payment, please go here to my scheduler and book your first Zoom session.
I will be in touch very soon!
I will be in touch very soon!
I look forward to meeting you and supporting you in your success - with befriending shyness and showing up anyway!
It will still seem scary sometimes, but it's magic when you really do show up!
It will still seem scary sometimes, but it's magic when you really do show up!
I'd also love to recommend this book as you might find it helpful...
We create so many ways to hide/mask/ force ourselves/ judge/change… especially as shyness can feel so very painful and debilitating …
but truly, it is a gentle, glowing thing, when we can embrace our nature and our lives (and it’s only taken me over 40 years..& counting 😁) ❤️
but truly, it is a gentle, glowing thing, when we can embrace our nature and our lives (and it’s only taken me over 40 years..& counting 😁) ❤️